Student Covid Procedures for 2021-2022
Thank you so much for your support and flexibility. With these policies in place it will allow our children to participate in their passion and remain safe for themselves and their community. Here is the link for a Covid Release Form that we ask each family to fill out and return to us prior to starting classes.
Student and staff Mask Policies
Masks are mandatory for unvaccinated staff and students older than 12 years of age.
Masks are optional but highly recommended for students between 3 and 12 years of age.
Masks are optional but highly recommended for vaccinated but vulnerable individuals.
Masks are optional but highly recommended for any students or staff who have consistent and close contact with vulnerable individuals.
In Studio Covid Policies
Student drop-off and pick-up will be conducted through the front doors.
Social distancing is recommended when possible.
Increased ventilation will be continued during classes.
Enhanced cleaning and disinfection of studio facilities will be continued.
Any student or staff member feeling ill with any Covid-19 symptoms including: fever, chills, headache, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle or body aches, new loss of taste and smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea must stay home. Even if it appears to be a simple head cold - please stay home. Temperatures will not be taken by studio staff.
Note: Please check the temperature of your child before leaving the house. If the student is feeling well and not running a fever, they will be allowed into the building. If they are unwell or running a fever they will be returned to their parent’s/guardian's car to return home.
Student in Quarentine
If your student has been exposed to Covid-19 in their school setting and are being asked to quarantine, we request that you do not bring them to dance. We have a Google Live option that will allow them to take class from the comfort of their home.
Please contact or to let us know that you will would like your child to take class virtually. If possible, please give us a 24 hour notice so that we can prepare the teacher/s of your students class.
If you struggle with internet, we also have a lot of activities that are being uploaded into the Google Classroom that will allow students to continue to work on material throughout their quarantine.
Illness during a Class
If a student should become ill during a class, parents will be called and the staff will support the student until the family arrives to pick up the student.